Please note that MY TLC ACADEMY LTD has been opened and started trading from 08/11/2023.
Courses are non-transferable:
A course bought for one student cannot be transferred to another after purchase.
All courses are non-refundable. TLC ACADEMY offers robust advice and guidance with options available to discuss individual requirements over the telephone, by text and by email prior to purchase. Extensive information about requirements and content on each course is also available on tlcacademy.uk
Completion dates:
TLC ACADEMY will provide a completion date to the student at the start of the course. The student can complete before this date as long as all payments have been made.
Where a student exceeds a completion date, a charge of £15 per piece of work outstanding will be made.
The TLC ACADEMY will not chase students for work nor give warnings of an upcoming completion date unless requested by the student.
One extension may be given for courses if a reasonable request is made in time.
Extensions are not given at all if the student requests one after the original completion date.
Payment plans:
Where payment plans are applicable, they are as follows:
£200 payment up front.
Minimum of £100 per month until the full amount for the course has been paid off.
Students must set up a standing order and provide proof of this standing order before the course is sent to them.
Standing order payments must be made on or just before 1st of every month.
TLC ACADEMY cannot claim for or post out certificates until the full amount has been paid.
Where a payment is missed with no correspondence, no further coursework will be assessed until the missing payment is made.
Where two payments have been missed with no correspondence or further agreements made, the student will not be permitted to continue the course and no refunds will be made. If the student then wishes to re-start the course, they will need to begin all payments again as if it is a new course.
TLC ACADEMY requests that students inform TLC ACADEMY if they are experiencing payment difficulties to ensure that arrangements can be made and they are able to continue their course.
Where a business is making a booking, payment must be received before the date for training is confirmed.
Submitting coursework:
Students must send only one piece of work at a time and wait for feedback before sending further work.
Students must use the templates provided.
Students must send coursework as a Word or Pages document, not as a PDF.
Photographs of work cannot be accepted.
TLC ACADEMY will mark all coursework within 2-5 working days of receipt unless otherwise stated (working days being Monday – Friday, excluding bank holidays).
If the student has not heard from their tutor within 2 working days, the student should follow up with an email, text, or phone call to ensure that their work has been received.
Students are welcome to send draft copies of coursework for advice and are welcome to discuss work with their tutor at any point. However, this must not be for every piece of work, particularly when previous pieces have passed successfully first time.
Student coursework is either passed or referred. Passed work is coursework that has been completed to the required standard with no further changes needed. Referred work is sent back to the student with requests made for additional or changed content.
Students can have a maximum of one referral per piece of work. On the second referral, a charge of £15 is made per further assessment on that piece of work.
TLC ACADEMY takes plagiarism extremely seriously, regularly and randomly checking students’ work to reduce the risk of this. Plagiarism is submitting someone else’s work as your own, with or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement. Where TLC ACADEMY suspects plagiarism, the student will be informed and asked to resubmit the work. If the student plagiarises on more than one occasion, the student will not be permitted to complete the qualification with The TLC ACADEMY and no refunds will be made.
Appeals and Complaints Procedure 2023-24.
This procedure is for students who have undertaken or are in the process of undertaking qualifications through MY TLC ACADEMY LTD.
This procedure is intended to provide a formal means for students to challenge an outcome of an enquiry about results from or a learning experience with MY TLC ADEMY LTD.
Stage 1 – Lodging an appeal.
As a student, if you are not satisfied with an outcome of an assessment, you should submit your appeal to us in an email within 30 days of the feedback being given. Appeals should be addressed to Dalibor Zdravevski and must include the following:
- Date and type of assessment
- Grounds on which the appeal is made
- Supporting documentation to corroborate circumstances, if appropriate
Tlc Academy will acknowledge an appeal that is lodged with us within 14 days of receiving the emailed appeal.
Stage 2 – Investigation
Dalibor Zdravevski will organise an investigation of the procedures followed. The investigation will be conducted by 2 members of staff – the Assessor and Internal Quality Assurer (IQA) – one of whom has not been involved in the original assessment decision. Amanda Harriott is our IQA.
Dalibor Zdravevski will provide feedback to Amanda Harriott and candidate on the outcome of the investigation along with a proposal for resolving the appeal, within 30 days of acknowledging the appeal. During the appeal procedure, TLC ACADEMY will ensure that we retain all of the candidate’s documentation, safely and securely. Failure to provide adequate evidence within the 30-day period will result in the complaint being filed and treated as resolved.
Stage 3 – Unresolved appeals
In the case of unresolved appeals, Dalibor Zdravevski will contact the Awarding Body, TQUK, on behalf of the student and at this stage the TQUK procedure will apply.
TLC ACADEMY directors manage appeals, including the dissemination of information about the procedures to students.
TLC ACADEMY allows the student to be supported in the presentation of their case by a parent, guardian or friend.
A written record of all appeals is to be maintained by the centre. The written record that is kept includes the outcome of the appeal and it includes the reasons for that outcome. A copy of this is also sent to the student.
All students are able to gain access to:
- The marks/assessment decision awarded to them by our centre for an assessment.
- All comments recorded by our centre relating to their assessed work.
- Any correspondence between our centre and the Awarding Body relating to their assessed work.
- Information, if available at the time of the appeal, as to whether their work was sampled by the Awarding Body.
- The moderated mark given to the work by the Awarding Body, if known relevant Awarding Body procedures for the conduct of assessments.
Our centre will inform the Awarding Body of any outcome from an appeal which has implications for the issue of results at our centre.
Full details of any appeal are available to the Awarding Body on request.
Learners who wish to make a complaint about The tlc academy services can do so in writing (post or email) to Dalibor Zdravevski Director of The tlc academy, up to 30 days after the event.
Learners must provide enough assistance and information in order for the Directors to investigate the complaint properly.
Post: Luton Capability Green Regus 128.
Email: [email protected]
Certificates are posted via online or post. All tracking numbers are kept for six months.
If a student loses their certificate after they have received it, they can order a replacement certificate through TQUK Qualifications. The TLC ACADEMY can advise on this for no cost or can process the request for the student for an administration charge of £25 (plus TQUK Qualifications’ administration charge).
Student information:
The tlc academy takes student data protection very seriously. No information about students is kept, other than an email address and phone number. The TLC ACADEMY is registered with the Information Commissioners Office.
Student files:
The TLC ACADEMY is classed as low risk with TQUK Qualifications, which means that their quality assurance processes are deemed to be robust. The tlc academy has one External Quality Assurance visit from their awarding body per year. Once complete, student files are kept in a locked cabinet until this visit, during which, a percentage of files will be quality assured by the awarding body. After this point, files will be returned by post to the student if the portfolio has been kept as a hard copy or sent via a link to the student if the student had an e-portfolio.
Cancellation charges:
Where a student fails to attend a planned session – face to face, via telephone or Zoom/video call – or gives less than 24 hours’ notice of cancellation/rearrangement, a further charge of no less than £40 per person will be made. The rearranged session cannot take place until this payment is received.
Centre Set-Up packages:
All students must attend sessions together: sessions will not be held separately without additional charges.
Payment must be made in full unless agreed otherwise.
No resources will be sent, nor advice provided on centre set-up until full payment has been received.
For further clarification on any of these terms and conditions, please contact Dalibor Zdravevski:
[email protected] On 01494342053 or on our On Call Number: 07706787969.